Apply for LiveRe Premium

Build a more effective website with our customer-tailored solutions.


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< Apply for Premium >

Receive detailed guidance on support scope and costs through a 1:1 consultation with a Premium representative.
(Submitted information will not be viewed by third parties outside the representative.)

LiveRe Support Scope
Basic Modification Insert default input text, change colors, modify report/recommend buttons, change login/send icons, update button text, add/remove replies.
Custom Modification - Pre-planning consultation
- Additional costs may apply if script logic changes are required; schedule and scope will be confirmed.
Basic API Comment count, all comment data
Custom API Additional APIs can be created after confirming feasibility upon request.
Development - Provide various guide documents
- Fix script errors, resolve conflict areas
- Update services and SNS APIs
- On-site support (if internal support is not feasible)
- Post-installation monitoring
- Emergency support during non-business hours
Operation - Share the latest and relevant cases
- Communicate service improvement suggestions
- Provide additional data reports on request (limited to data stored in DB)
- Emergency communication during non-business hours

※ Basic support is free; additional charges apply for customizations.

※ MyLiveRe cannot support design customization; additional functions are available as API.